6 comments on “New Study Shows That “Masking” Does Work…….

  1. ruralcounsel says:

    If you can still smell the pee, you’ve just been “infected.” The sense of smell is based on small particulates that were not stopped by the pants. Now do you understand the principle?

    Masks don’t stop the microscopic droplets filled with virus particles. They just don’t.

  2. Robert Landwehr says:

    If your co-worker is wearing a mini skirt ( okay, a kilt will also suffice) without underwear, and you are wearing close knit synthetic underwear, denim, a belt, and a rain suit, they can smell your fart just as you can smell theirs.
    The important part, is theirs dissipates relatively quickly, whilst you maintain a tainted aura for a while. I like analogies.

  3. Bob says:

    I was competing at a neighborhood chili cook off when two old ladies in masks came up to my table and exclaimed how good my chili smelled. I, not wearing a mask, said “Wow, imagine that, my good chili aroma made it through those masks”. The both looked at each other and then took off their masks. I said nothing, but then again, I won the cookoff out of 25 cooks. I was happy to red pill two old ladies.

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