The “Debate”, I Was Wrong…………………..

Debate is in quotes because  political debates are not debates.  Everyone already knows all of the positions of the candidates and the only purpose is to get campaign sound bites, zingers and “gotcha moments.

I was wrong about what I thought would happen.

I had been predicting that the Democrats would over medicate FJB into having a medical issue onstage for reasons of attempting a power grab.



5 comments on “The “Debate”, I Was Wrong…………………..

  1. WDS says:

    As if the “over medication” wasn’t bad enough, the comedown is as ugly as the stupid frock his babysitter is wearing.

  2. alc says:

    Biden’s replacement.. Trump

  3. povertyisland says:

    They’ll kill him when they figure they can wring maximum sympathy votes for it.

  4. Heltau says:

    Too bad brandonFJB did NOT crash and burn on that stage in front of billions. Oh, well, maybe next time he gets a podium it does brandonFJB in.

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