Vacation Shooting………..

Ahhhh, finally got to take some time off and finally got around to getting some shooting in !!

I hadn’t been out to the woods to shoot for some time so that’s where I went:

It’s fairly dense where I am shooting and there was no wind at all.  I took a work around the perimeter and 10-15 yards from the edge you could feel the wind.  Have never had mosquitos out here either.

My brother has 4 deer blinds set up with the fallen timber and last fall his son got his first archery deer.


I brought the Beretta Jetfire to shoot.  I really hadn’t shot that one in a long time.  It literally HURTS my hand wen I shoot it.  Shooting from about 7 yards and was actually surprised at how accurate it was that day.


The Beretta M922 is my fun gun !!!!

I could shoot that all day long !!

Also shot the 380.

Felt really good not being out in sometime, will definitely have to get back sooner than later !

History of the Jetfire.

My great uncle and his mother lived in an apartment in Milwaukee in the 1930s-70s.  One day, a their apartment got broke into while they were home. They were tied up while the place was ransacked.   It wasn’t until about 36 hours later that someone found them.

Uncle Frank went went out, bought the gun, and the quote my grandmother told me was, “Those niggers will never do that again.”

So, that’s the background on that one !!!



9 comments on “Vacation Shooting………..

  1. dave in pa. says:

    you should start shooting a 2 or more targets at one time. because when the assholes come, they come in groups. if you are right handed, ALWAYS shoot the right one first, then swing to the left one. shooting weak hand then strong hand and you will damn near always miss the strong hand target. one good thing about the old 1/503 was they took all shooting to heart. and made sure you where accurate and fast. we went to the range like once a week or at worse every other week.

    might be the reason why I can’t hear shit anymore too.

    last time I was at our local range, I ended up teaching some young guys how to point shoot like I was taught long ago. you might want to start learning how to shoot while moving as well. makes no sense to stand still when people will be shooting back at you. just old guy thoughts for what they worth.

    • Matthew W says:

      Most of the 380 shooting I did was moving to and from targets. In the past I set up a course were I shoot through the woods.
      “Point Shooting” That’s almost as big of a debate as “Caliber” !!! Personally, big fan and user of point/shoot

      • dave in pa. says:

        one of the most dangerous person I ever met carried and used a 22lr

        pistol that he had worked over a fair bit. no sights at all for one and he did a fair bit of work on the grips and magazine as well. didn’t look anything like it did when it left the factory. but it worked very well for him.

        and he could and did put them right where he wanted them.

        granted that was a long time ago now. I sure he left the planet by now.

  2. Looks like a nice shooting range.

    I like the advice of shooting right to left at multiple targets as well.

    • dave in pa. says:

      it is a human nature kind of thing.. first pointed out to me back with the 1/503. doesn’t matter if handgun or long gun. over 90% of people will miss

      the target on their strong side. so, shoot that one first, then go after the others.

  3. WDS says:

    I’ll go out in the backyard and run 4-5 magazines thru my favorite .22 every few weeks. This S&W 622 was great right out of the box when I bought it in ’89. S&W has a new .22 that kind of looks like mine (but blue) and it’s supposed to be a great little shooter too.

    • Matthew W says:

      Love my 22s…………………

      • dave in pa. says:

        yeah. I do as well. have a few of them too. one is a old school Walther

        ppk in 22lr. made in 1972. all steel. a true safe queen. although I run a couple of magazines thru it every year or so the new P22 is a great shooter as well. and a old school Ruger mark 2 in stainless with a bull barrel. thinking of getting a Bersa in 22lr as I heard/read good things

        about them. might have to do that before the end of summer this year. like to get a Ruger bearcat in 22 mag/22lr but they never seem to be in stock anywhere ? maybe a nice wheel gun with 3-4 inch barrel

        be nice to have too.

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