Eco Nonsense and Silliness

A few months ago through, I purchased some Strathmore Photo Cards for some of my wife’s craft projects (she still owes me the $36.03 )

I recently received an art catalog that had more Strathmore items in it.  I noticed that there was a “Strathmore Windpower” category for products.  Since I am very curious about “windpower”, I continued to read on:

The Windpower™ Series represents our commitment to paper performance and the environment. The products are manufactured with emissions-free, wind-generated electricity through the purchase of 100% certified renewable energy credits.

I have to stop right there !!!!!

It is a flat out false hood that these products were manufactured with electricity from wind power !!!

Saying that they were because you bought CREDITS, does not change the source of the electricity that was actually used to manufacture the product!

Moving on:

What’s more, they’re certified through the Green-e® Marketplace Program administered by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions based in San Francisco, CA.

Green-e® Marketplace Program, let’s find out more about them.

“Statement of Purpose
Green-e certifies environmental commodities and products that mitigate climate change and help build a sustainable energy future.”

I’m no Forest Gump, but I have no idea as to what that means or what they do.

I spent a fair amount of time plodding through their website but could not find what they sold/manufactured.



If you follow the arrows from the cow to the man with the box, can you tell me what the hell he just bought???

They doing nothing but selling indulgences from the Middle Ages !!

My question would be then if Green-e® Marketplace did not exist and electricity was generated from wind power, would it make a difference?