How Do You Help An Ailing Economy?

RAISE TAXES !!!!!!!!!

Obama has suggested that the supercommittee of lawmakers tasked with cutting a minimum of $1.2 trillion from the federal deficit consider an increase in the per-takeoff fee on flights that could run as high as $100.

The ATA said that “further increasing airline taxes and fees would eliminate 181,000 American jobs, reduce air service and mean higher costs.

I guess it’s rhetorical to ask if these guys ever think anything through, but do they??


To “quote” a Clinton era lackey, “Class warfare never fed a child”

2008 tax figures:

Top 1%  paid 38%

Top 5%  paid 58%

Top 10% paid 70%

Top 25% paid 86%


The bottom 50% only paid 2% !!!!!!!!!!

The rich aren’t paying their fair share??????

Pure demagoguery by the Left. (ever notice how many tax cheats are Liberals”=???)